Saturday, May 18, 2013

Then and Now

     For my last and final post, I wanted to do a more informal post then I have in the past. Instead of finding a article or youtube video to back up what I feel, I would like to use my own personal thoughts as references.

      My topic is the differences in society between present day and back in the fifties. If the years between 2008-2013 had a polar opposite it would be that era.

     Some of the differences are good like we are more progressive when it comes to things like racism, gay rights and striving to be more like citizens of the world instead of citizens of a certain country. We are more aware of our actions on the environment and there is a movement to change our footprint here on Earth. People are becoming connected in ways that were never imagined in the fifties. We can Skype with someone who lives on the other side of the globe. Our internet is so fast that we can receive real time news about any part of the country. We can even make videos of whatever we want, our silly cats, our day to day life and share it with the world. Our technology is advancing so much that technology that was new a year ago is old news today. Now is the time to change what all our ancestors have done and to make the Earth a better place for our kids and their kids but more importantly keep this planet healthy for its plant and animal habitants.

      On the other hand, there were a lot of positives during the fifties. The economy was prosperous, my grandma told me that they were so prosperous that there was a belief that they would soon have a standard 32 hour work week instead of 40. Kids could play out in the streets by themselves without the parents worrying of them being kidnapped. Instances did happen but it was so rare compared to how it was today. You could leave your key in your car without worrying about it being stolen. House doors were left unlocked without any negative thought.
      The culture was much more classy and reserved. TV shows were wholesome and all family friendly. To see a married couple sharing the same bed on a TV show sent shock waves through the viewers. Technology was not as advanced as today so people really cherished spending time together and not glued to their smart phones, lap tops, whatever. Letters were written to far off family members and friends. Life was a lot simpler back then.

For all the positives of the fifties I am happy to born during this time because it is exciting to see all the changes going on and knowing that my generation is going to be the one that changes everything. We have to be! :)

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